Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's a New Year!!

It's a new year and now that it is almost the end of January, it is time to evaluate how far I have gotten with all of my New Year's Resolutions or should I call them goals? I have somewhat accomplished one of these goals today--to start blogging--thanks to my ol' pal Jessica who keeps me from looking like an old fart when it comes to computers. She has to show me how to do everything on the computer!! But once I get started, I usually do pretty good on my own. Such as now as I write my first post and I am all alone except for a sleeping Logan (that's my 6 month old daughter). Now for my other resolutions--let's look at the one about losing 80 lbs.--ok, ok--losing 50 lbs. Not much success here but I am working out a lot and eating a lot. I have decided to run a couple of 5Ks this spring--again thanks to my ol' pal Jessica--she wants me to run a triathlon with her!! Go ahead and laugh because I did. Actually, I am considering it--if I can only learn to swim well. I can ride the bike and I have been running--ran 1.5 miles last night and I have only been running for about two weeks!! But my swimming has a lot to desire. Doggy paddling won't work in a triathlon. So as I continue to train for these little 5Ks and a possible tri, I hope I will lose that weight. I am sure if I cut out pizza, cheeseburgers, and rollos that that would help to. I wanted to start scrapbooking again which I haven't touched in over a year but I think I am overtaken by the blogging right now. This is more fun! I got a brand new slow cooker for Christmas and my resolution was to cook one good meal in it every week-- I have cooked two so far this year and one was a pot roast that was pretty good. That was the first time I had ever cooked a pot roast and I threw in carrots and potatoes too--over rice! Tasted as good as my momma's!! I will further evaluate next month! Hope I make some progress on the weight loss goal and I know how to swim by then!!


  1. Sweet! I get to be the first to leave a comment. Lay off those rollos will ya!

  2. I love it! You did a great job....thanks Jessica for finally kicking her butt in gear!
