Saturday, January 24, 2009

We Are The Hardy's

I am writing this post for those of you who do not know us or have not seen or heard from us in years. Or maybe you know who we are but you know very little about us. Bill and I met in May of 1995 at--of all places...the gym. He had come home from college and I was teaching at Fort Dorchester High School and teaching aerobic classes and personal training in the evenings. We ended up dating for close to 3.5 years and were civilly married on July 25, 1998 and we were married for eternity and sealed in the South Carolina Temple on July 26, 2005. We are married FOREVER--even after death. Like my dad told Bill on our wedding day, "This is not Walmart--no exchanges and no returns!" ( I thought about asking, "What about a gift card?", but I didn't.)

After about 3 years into our marriage, we gave birth to our first little blessing. We just knew for sure that we were going to have a little baby boy but instead we were given the most beautiful little girl in the whole world. Jordan was born in February of 2002 and she was (and still is!)a great baby. Thank goodness she was the first born child because she was an easy baby. To this day, she is still pretty laid back as long as we don't change her routine since she is our creature of habit. When we get ready for school in the morning we pee, get dressed, fix hair, brush teeth, and then put on our socks. Do not dare change the order of this routine or the whole world might explode or something! But I can not complain about this girl at all. I have heard other parents complain about issues of dressing their children but not me. Jordan will wear anything I lay out for her (as long as it is not a dress or skirt)--but of course there are certain shoes that you must only wear to certain places--don't change the routine!! She has been playing soccer since she was 4 years old and loves it. She started taking horseback riding lessons about a year ago and has just excelled with it. I do not know where her love for horses comes from because those big ol' animals kind of scare me.

About three years later in May of 2005, our second little blessing came along that we lovingly call Ray Ray. Her real name is Reagan and my mother calls her "Little Alice". Yes, she has a lot of my characteristics but she is a lot cuter than I ever was. I call her my "free spirit" and sometimes (actually a lot of times) I call her "wildfire" because she is nothing but wild fun. There is no routine with this child and she likes to try new foods--she even eats ceasar salad and crab legs! She is quite the jokester and I can usually get her to play a joke on just about anyone and she just loves to laugh. She is the kind of kid that you can watch play all day long and just laugh and laugh. She sings at the top of her lungs usually songs that she has made up. She has been playing soccer for a year now and she is into her gymnastics. She is the most loving child and we can spend a whole day curled up in the chair together. If there are little babies around, they better watch out because Reagan will be taking care of them.

Just when we just knew we were done having babies (even though we occasionally wondered if we should have a third one and try for a boy), we realized we were going to have another baby (yes--totally unplanned and we are still trying to figure out how this one happened!). This sweet blessing was born in July of 2008 and we named her Logan. I knew all along that it was a girl. How could I have a boy? All I know about are smocked dresses, pony tails, and bows. This little bundle of joy has developed into quite a "Momma's girl". She is with me 24/7 except when she goes into the gym's nursery. If someone else holds her she will start to whine. (What a great feeling to be so loved!) And this little booger has blue/green eyes whereas both her big sisters have brown eyes. (I think this one is going to look like me.) She is now six months old and is much more demanding than her sisters ever were. And boy does she have a temper. Watch out world!!

Now a little on Bill and me --he started his own business called PMS, LLC about 4 years ago. No, he is not an ob/gyn or anything like that. It stands for Preventive Maintenance Services, LLC and he works in a lot of restaurants on their equipment. He tells me all the time what he does in these restaurants but I don't understand a thing he is talking about. I just nod my head and say , "wow!". I keep the books for his business (ask me if I get a paycheck--not!) and take my kids to school and back, cook food, work out, keep the house clean, and try to keep us organized (I can be a little OCD on this one). I am not a soccer mom--I refuse to drive a van! I do take the kids to soccer practice, though, and I hit up on Target a lot too! We are big Carolina Gamecock fans and we even live in a black and garnet house! We have two small dogs named Conan and Junior who are 11 and 10 years old respectively.


  1. Dude! You haven't blogged in 4 weeks! What's up with that?

  2. just dreaming of her sucking on mycock like that and icum
