Friday, February 27, 2009

My Valentine's Day Flowers

I just wanted to share pictures of my beautiful Valentine's Day Flowers that my dear husband gave me two days before Valentine's Day. I just know he spent hours trying to figure out which flowers to get me. (Can you feel the sarcasm?) When he gave them to me on Feb. 12, it went like this: Bill walks in the front door and says "Hello Honey! I am home!" I look over at him and he is holding about 40 of these big white and yellow looking flowers. They are not wrapped in plastic. So I said, "Where did you pick these from?" And he just grinned. So I proceeded with my questioning, "So where did you work today?" He said, "Guess!" So I looked closely at the flowers and realize I have seen these before. I have seen them on the tables at Chick-Fil-A! "So you worked at Chick-Fil-A today?" and he said "Yes, I did and they were going to throw these old flowers out so I brought them home to you!" Gotta love having a thrifty, don't waste a penny husband.....and two weeks later he goes out and buys a gun for $350.00! My Goodness! Let me share a little background behind this story. When Bill and I were first married, he used to work for Pearlstein Distributors in grocery stores all the time. He worked in several of the Piggly Wiggly's that had florists and he was always bringing me home flowers that were being thrown out by the store. We always had fresh flowers at home. However, I can think of twice in ours lives where he has bought me flowers and I gave him such a hard time for wasting money on cut flowers, he now buys me flower bushes I can put in the yard.


  1. Alice that is soo funny. What a typical man thang to do!!! Funny you said he worked for Pearlsteins, Jan and Larry Lipov are patients of ours at work and best friends with my boss. Jan Pearlstein Lipov grew up with my boss. Anyway that was random but thought it interesting?!? Love your blog. Too cute.

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  3. Saying congratulations Mom and Dad with a bouquet arrangement or a basket new baby. Bring a smile to new parents with flowers.flowers2world
