Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hey All! I am proud to announce that I completed my 1st 5K run this morning. Jessica and I ran the 1st Annual Ridge Run through Legend Oaks. According to the man standing next to me at the starting line, this was a very small race. When the gun went off, everyone ran fast and left me in the dust. However, I am very happy to say that I passed two people in the 3rd mile and I was not the last one to cross the finish line. There were some walkers behind me--HeHeHe! It was a great way to start the morning despite the high humidity and nasty little gnats knawing all over us. I am really glad to say that I ran this race 3-4 minutes faster than I normally run 3 miles. I can't wait until the next run! My next goal is to finish a triathlon in June along with a couple more 5Ks betwenn now and then. Whoohooo!

Here I come across the finish line!


  1. Congrats! I've always thought that doing a triathalon would be awesome!

  2. check out my blog!

  3. That's nuts girl! What an accomplishment!
