I walked into the back room the other day and this is what I found:
Logan and Reagan sharing a lollipop. At this very early stage in Logan's life, you can not bring a lollipop within ten feet of her unless you plan on sharing!
It seems that the Tootie Roll Pops seem to be the group favorite here in our house and it doesn't help that Grandmomma brings a bag for each kid every time she comes over. But, hey, atleast the kids are as smart as me--they know something good when they see it!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm it would take me 2 seconds to get her pretty little cotton knickers off and show her a good time, I can just imagine how good her little cuntlooks
I am a very happily married mother of 3 beautiful daughters. I am married to the most handsome man who is the best family provider. Hence, I don't have to work! I get to spend my time working out, shopping, cooking and eating, and taking care of my family. I can usually be found at the gym, Publix, Target, church, soccer fields, or at home. If you can't find me at any of these places, you can always check Chick-Fil-A!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm it would take me 2 seconds to get her pretty little cotton knickers off and show her a good time, I can just imagine how good her little cuntlooks